Sunday, October 4, 2009

On the weekend of September 25th to September 27th I went on the NSR Intervarsity retreat. It started when I left Trinity on Friday and started the drive to Corpus Cristi. It was a fun drive, we stopped off at Cracker Barrel for dinner. Then we arrived at our hotel. It wasn't the best hotel but it worked for the purpose which we needed it for. We had many worship sessions, the music was really good, and we had a lot of small group bible studies. It was really nice getting off campus and not having to worry about school or homework for a weekend. We also went to the beach where we played a lot of different games , my favorite was watermelon football. Watermelon football is where there is a watermelon in the water and each team has to get it across the opposing teams goal line. Overall it was a really fun weekend where I met a lot of new people and made a lot of good friends. I would recommend that everyone should go to this next year because it was a blast and I had a lot of fun.

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